i am so full, i can't lay down yet...
so, this is what i had, right after lunch.
hussein's lemon bar. (wait, he did not make it)
this is still at 12:40pm

then gift from japan.
coco cigarette and sugar!
they were bad, so i gave it to lovely

then off to dinner.
i was so hungry, could not talk at first.
started off with rum

kobe beef roll,
poached robuster salad, sashimi salad,
apple and walnut salad.
and here is SF roll, crunch roll,

why did i even have bread???

next, Chardonnay, Flowers. super yummy!

for main, had yellow fin tuna with hijiki,
asparagus, with marmalade onion.

next, off to red. duck horn.
gave this bottle to dad before.
he finished it by him self!!!

mmm, then my main course, desert.
apple pudding with vanilla ice cream on top, with desert wine.

sip of espresso martini

cheese plate

bites of creme bluree

it's only monday, and i think i had week worth of food already...
tomorrow morning, we are talking about eating ramen...
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